The Price Media Law Moot Court Programme was established in 2008 and was
jointly held by Programme in Comparative Media Law & Policy at the Centre
for Socio-Legal Studies of Oxford University, Faculty of Law of Oxford
University and International Media Lawyers Association. This programme was
named after Monroe E. Price in Annenberg
School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania,
USA. Law School of Renmin University of China, Asia-Pacific Institute of Law,
RUC and Civil & Commercial Legal Science Research Centre were entrusted by Oxford University
to hold Regional Competition of Price Media Law International Moot Court in China. Organization committee of China cordially
invites outstanding Law Schools in Asia-Pacific region to participate in this
event which aims at strengthening students’ interest in media law, promoting
their capability of legal writing and legal debate in the view of comparative
law, boosting communication and study among students from different legal
system backgrounds, and leading judges and students’ attention and discussion
to issues of modern media law, freedom of expression and so on.
Directions: 1. Moot
Case Release: See Attachment 1 2. Last
Date for Submission of Online Registration Form: October 13, 2013 3. Last
Date for Submission of Memorials by Email: October 28, 2013 4. List of
Teams Promoted Announcement:early in November, 2013 5. China
Rounds in Beijing:2 - 4 December, 2013 Please
submit the registration form (See Attachment 2: One guiding teacher’s and four to six teammates’) to
by 13 October, 2013. Faculties registered please form teams and work on the
memorials, and submit your memorials to
on 28 October, 2013. Organization Committee will invite judges to determine
grades, and name list of teams promoted will be published in the early
November. Sixteen teams are expected to be promoted into the next rounds of
Price Moot Court Regional Competitions to be held in Renmin
University in China
from 2 to 4 December, 2013. Four teams among the sixteen will be selected to
participate in international rounds in Oxford
University in the UK. These four final teams will be financially
sponsored by Organization Committee of China.
Law School, Renmin Asia-Pacific Institute of Law, Civil & Commercial Legal Science
University of China RUC Research Centre
Nations Educational Scientific Changjiang
Civilian Education Foundation and Culture Organization
Contact:Ms Fang Ruting
Address:Office Room 609, Mingde Law Building, Renmin
University of China, No. 59 ZhongGuanCun St., Haidian
District, Beijing Brief Introduction: The Price
Moot Court was established on the initiative of and supported by Professor
Monroe E. Price. The programme has developed into an international media law
moot court event that fully reflects the research interests and study areas of
organizers and issues they are focusing on. Cases argued in the competitions
are all ingeniously designed mock cases that have much contemporary relevance
and of much research value, which draw materials from real life, but have been
processed to more complicated and more contentious. As for jurisdictional
agency, the competitions invented a “World
Human Rights Court” that have appellate jurisdiction to
highlight the professionality, meanwhile, the competitions limit the applicable
law to the following: first, international conventions and treaties on human
rights; two, the United States Supreme Court precedents; three, precedents of Human
Rights Courts of Europe, America and Africa, etc.
Since its
launch in 2008, the Price Media Law Moot Court Programme has increased in size
and geographical diversity each year. In 2013, Price Moot Court has attracted
college students from nearly one hundred universities of more than twenty
countries such as China, the US, the UK, Singapore, India,
South Korea, Ukraine,
Serbia and the UAE to participate in
the competitions. The ninety-three judges participating in this round are all
accomplished media law scholars or law practitioners coming from famous
colleges in Europe or America, European Court of Human Rights, world-renowned
medias, bar associations in the field of international media and IP law. The
Price Moot Court Competitions consist of two stages –
writing Memorials and Oral Rounds. Those teams that are selected after writing
memos can go on into Oral Rounds, and to participate in the International
Rounds held in Oxford
University. Attachment 1: Price Moot Court Case 2014.pdf Attachment 2: Registration Form.xlsx